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Sourcing Local Clays: Happisburgh

Coastal erosion at Happisburgh

Coastal erosion at Happisburgh image from British Geological Survey :

Following my interview with Nicky Darrell (Anglian Potters) I started to find out further information about the local clay at Happisburgh and came across this cross section of a cliff for the area. A sad irony that the destruction of the coastline is down to the particular stratification of the rocks and the movement of water. Two of the elements involved in the construction of the work I am involved in.

A quote from the website "The cliffs at Happisburgh range in height from 6 to 10 m and are composed of a layer-cake sequence of several glacial tills (Figure 3), separated by beds of stratified silt, clay and sand (Hart, 1987; Lunkka, 1988; Hart, 1999; Lee, 2003)"

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