Jim Robison
When I did my degree, one of the lecturers in the ceramics department (I was in painting ) was Jim Robison, the way he works has stuck in my mind in terms of scale, but also remember him talk about references to landscape. Obviously I didn't realise at the time that I might start to explore similar concepts but I think I may well learn something from his approach so may well look into a workshop with him later. Jim says;
'Current work is influenced by history, environment and process:
History - as found in geology, (natural processes of rock formation and weathering), and man's activities (structures, buildings and social events).
Environmental influences include the shape, colour and texture of surroundings, to which my Pennine Mountain location contributes much (particularly the dark dry stone walls and the patterns created upon the bright green fields).
Process refers to both the act of making (what happens during the manipulation of clay, slip, and glaze - always with one eye on the possible effects of firing!) and an awareness of the passage of time, changes that occur with events of nature and history. Individual slab pieces are created through a process, which includes using an antique mangle to roll and re-roll prepared sheets of clay. This creates broken edges and areas, which are stretched and stressed, generating their own feeling of history,