Building building building...
Having left it overnight by a hot kiln it was more stable and I could add more coils to it. The coal addition isnt obvious until you see...

Good grief...earlier today working on this form I found if I make it too quick the internal clay (even though the outside is drying)...

Just discovered a document about Hydriotopia. Need to read through but seems there was a large discovery of burial urns found in Norfolk...

organic material
So in an attempt to achieve something I am handbuilding the work. I'm using coils of clay either hand rolled or pugged through the...

Building a fire pit
I decided to build a fire pit today in order to fire the core sample. luckily I had some materials available that MIGHT survive the...

Open air large scale firing
I have been looking at 'Large scale ceramics' by Jim Robison and 'Backyard kilns' by Steve Mills. There seems to have been a number of...

Right a change of tack then!
Frustrated with how the core sample is going!!! I am making attempts to hand build instead, lets see how this goes.....

Ok off we go again!
So I modified the extruder based on a cider press I built some years ago, using a bottle jack to add compression. I got enough pressure...

Burying the vessels
We have collections of 'finds' from the earth and somehow returning the pots seems right....to be found later? but it has raised a...

Back to the drawing board!
I have been reading The Art Of Work An Epitaph To Skill by Roger Coleman felt I could draw a parallel to Icarus and Daedalus in that at...