Sourcing organic matter- Derbyshire
So I had been thinking about suitable and meaningful organic matter to burn out and leave negative traces within the clay body. ( even...

Thoughts on construction- practical considerations.
Taking into consideration the properties of clay work and its processes I need to consider how the core sample might fit together. I am...

Contact from David Walker Barker Land2
(Davids Studio and example of work) Conversation: 'So, I hope you get the idea, looking at landscape/ layering / personal references...

George's House and Clay pit - Local clay sourcing
At the beginning of the MA during the collaborative project I looked at mapping , narratives and landscape. I looked at ' Georges House'...
blood and bone
I have been thinking about using bodily fluids, meat & bone Within clay to fire out as additions, but these things have covered so many...
ASU2 Learning Agreement
Description of Project My intention is to investigate and explore the properties of ceramic material and organic burnout during the...

The daily dog walk
One thread of reasoning I am thinking of following is the collection of items from the common, where I walk my dog daily. This sounds...
The artist's fear of politics or being in the world… - Dr. Judith Stewart
Extracts from ; Nicolas Bourriaud: Relational Aesthetics. Paris: Presses du réel, 2002. ISBN 2-84066-060-1

Starting point for ASU2
It became increasingly apparent, following my work in RIPU that the material use for my work in my 'WORKMAN ' exhibition, whilst being...