Emailing the Fitzwilliam and Derby Museum
From: scott stuart <> Date: Monday, 26 March 2018 at 09:57 To: ""...
Sharpes pottery - Sculpture proposal
Just applied for a sculpture residency in Swadlincote Derbyshire. I'm really exited about this as it feels like it might suit my work!...

Freaked out by GPS tracking- but could I use it?
So I have been looking at GPS tracking to somehow 'locate ' the pots that I intend to make. I had been freaked out by google maps and how...

More processing....Scrap the blunger...
Another long day of processing clay. I found the blunger had to be retired altogether and I started to mix up the ground in the...

When is a pavement not a pavement ?
I walked by this in Norwich today and made me think about the veneer of the world around us. I have a half remembered quote in mind where...

processing clay again!
Another day spent processing clay, it seems like it takes so long to get such a small amount....and its bloody hard work!

Liminal places...
I don't know what it is yet about this space but I keep being drawn to it. The clay I collected from my current village is next to it but...

Kettles Yard- Rana Begum and others
The way Rana Begum works really appeals to me. Not in terms of subject matter, but in how she uses forms and occupies the space her work...

Fitzwilliam Museum
This was an interesting visit to the visit as I found something I had not seen before which was a clay burial jar (c 2700 bc ) . The jar...